Wednesday, April 29, 2009


A Robarosia tree near Dalada Maligawa.

Yellow Blooms in University of Peradeniya

The Yellow Flower Season in University of Peradeniya. This is how the flower vines covered a tree near Faculty of Agriculture. Every year in March- April season the University can be seen like this. Covered with all yellow.

Sal Mala

Cannon Ball flower (S: Sal Mal) near Dalada Maligawa (Temple of Tooth Relic)

The pink beauty

This is a beautiful flower captured near Dalada Maligawa (Temple of Tooth Relic).

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mahaweli Seya - A view from Nuwara Eliya Gampola main road, Near Thawalantenna

The tiny dageba seen in the picture is Mahaweli Seya (still under construction). It is a monument for Mahaweli Project. Between the two mountains (in the valley) you will find Kotmale Tank, one of the tanks built under Mahaweli Project . The area (down) you see is Kotamale region.

A pear tree in Victoria Graden- Nuwara Eliya

These are some of the traces remain still in Nuwara Eliya area. Some 10, 15 years ago Nuwara Eliya also was a better place for pears but one storm came at that time had destroyed all the pear plants and their yeild. Even still we cannot grow good pears in Nuwara Eliya city.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Tree

This is a tree at the road side ( Kandy - Nuwra Eliya), which is special to us. It was there eversince I can remember free and alone. It always gave me a stange inspiration whenever I set my eyes on it. I still look out when i travel home to see it.

Flower and a Bee

We took this picture at Nuwara Eliya Victoria Park